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Strategies for Cancer Survivorship

Strategies for Cancer Survivorship

Posted by A. Maree on Dec 16th 2020

How to Have an Awesome Day...Wake up cranky? It are a few of our favorite people and practices to jumpstart your day and put a smile on your face.  Some days are harder than others … read more
​Gratitude Journaling After A Cancer Diagnosis

​Gratitude Journaling After A Cancer Diagnosis

Posted by Sharon W. on Nov 26th 2020

Facing a cancer diagnosis can be daunting...but it doesn’t have to mean the end of a joyful life. One of the best ways to maintain that joy is through a gratitude journal, but often people don’t know … read more
Sending Messages of Love to Family & Friends

Sending Messages of Love to Family & Friends

Posted by J. Wray on Oct 23rd 2020

Our new My Girls Skin Care note card features a beautiful floral square. The original painting by Corri Taylor is one of her fifteen 20” x 20” works recently displayed along with additional mixed medi … read more
National Cancer Survivor Day

National Cancer Survivor Day

Posted by Admin on Jun 8th 2020

National Cancer Survivors Day...Thank you for how you made us feel!  Sometimes all it takes is a smile to change someone's day.  Going to treatments is hard enough, let alone the side effect … read more