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Moving On After Stage 2B Breast Cancer

Moving On After Stage 2B Breast Cancer

Posted by Kim Barbati on Mar 2nd 2021

What was your cancer diagnosis?12 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I ended up having a lateral mastectomy. I needed radiation and then I used My Girls Skin Care cream during that e … read more
Holiday Specials and Gifts for Cancer Patients

Holiday Specials and Gifts for Cancer Patients

Posted by A. Maree on Dec 11th 2020

"This is a gift for my sister to use as she starts radiation therapy. I used the cream while undergoing radiation two years ago and it was fabulous. I wish you had all these new products back then! I … read more
​Gratitude Journaling After A Cancer Diagnosis

​Gratitude Journaling After A Cancer Diagnosis

Posted by Sharon W. on Nov 26th 2020

Facing a cancer diagnosis can be daunting...but it doesn’t have to mean the end of a joyful life. One of the best ways to maintain that joy is through a gratitude journal, but often people don’t know … read more
Support during Breast Cancer Treatment

Support during Breast Cancer Treatment

Posted by Susan B. on Oct 23rd 2020

Between October 1 and October 31, we observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is a month-long opportunity to increase public awareness about the disease. Thanks to early detection, research, and inno … read more