Order Confirmation and Tracking
Please be sure to enter a correct email address as order confirmation is sent to your email upon order completion.
Orders may be tracked using the order tracking number included in your email and also available upon login to your account on mygirlscream.com
Please be sure to cut and past the tracking number into your browser to obtain tracking information.
We ship to virtually any address in the Continental US, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico as well as Internationally within 48 hours as follows:
- Orders received before 6:30 AM EST Friday, and Monday - Thursday before 12 PM EST arrive within timeframes listed below:
- Standard orders ship via USPS Ground Service Advantage and arrive within 3-10 business days depending on your geographic location.
- Priority orders arrive within 3-5 business days depending on your geographic location.
- International mail carrier service arrive within 7-14 business days.
- Orders received after 6:30 AM EST Friday, ship the following week between business hours Mon-Fri and within 48 hours.
- Please note that delivery times differ depending on carrier and destination.
- Tracking updates are emailed within 48 hrs.
- Mail service is not available on weekends and national holidays.
- Priority service may be delayed when accounting for weekends and holidays and by 48 hours due to heavy mail volumes and carrier delays.
International Orders
Please Contact Us for transit time estimates on International shipments as rates and delivery times vary by country and destination.
When you place an order, be sure to confirm your shipping address if different from your billing address information. Delivery is significantly delayed when orders are held/returned by the post office due to an incorrect address. Returns due to incorrect address and addresses entered incorrectly (i.e., city, state and zip entered in one field, incorrect zip code, etc.) will be subject to additional transit time, postage and a change order fee of $8.99 per order to correct your order.
Please consult your countries import and customs regulations to ensure delivery of cosmetics goods into your country.
Returns & Cancellation Policy
You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days from the customer's receipt of the order. If you need to return an item, please Contact Us with your order number and details about the product you would like to return. We will respond quickly with instructions for how to return items from your order. Please note:
- Returns are not accepted and all sales are final during promotional sales periods.
- Returns must be received in brand new, unopened condition
- No returns or refunds that have been damaged by shippers or sold by unauthorized re-sellers are accepted
- No returns or refunds are accepted from orders placed with Amazon or Amazon re-sellers.
- Returns are not accepted for opened product nor due to order delays resulting from an incorrect address.
- Shipping charges are not refundable. All return shipping charges are to be paid by the customer.
- We suggest that you insure your return shipment for the full value of the product
- Additional postage fees apply to re-ship orders.
For returns, you should expect to receive your refund within four weeks of giving your package to the postal carrier, however, in many cases you will receive a refund more quickly. This time period includes the transit time for us to receive your return from the shipper (5 to 10 business days), the time it takes us to process your return once we receive it (3-5 business days), and the time it takes your bank to process our refund request (5 to 10 business days).
You may cancel your order by emailing us at customersupport@mygirlscream.com within 24 hours, however we cannot guarantee that items can be pulled from our mail que prior to shipping. If you wish to cancel items in transit or already delivered to your ship address, you will be responsible for return postage on the items minus a restocking fee. Please see return policy above.
Damaged Goods
If your goods arrived damaged by the carrier, we require the following for refunds and exchanges:
- Ship the order back to our Marylhurst, Oregon returns address for inspection.
- Description from the customer of the damages.
- 7 photos of the damaged goods, packaging and outer carton that it was sent in emailed to Customersupport@mygirlscream.com.
- Refund or exchange issued upon receipt of goods.