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Copeful App for Managing Stress & Anxiety

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Available for Download on the Apple Store
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A cancer diagnosis is a heart stopping moment that comes with so many feelings, ranging from despair to anxiety, fear and loss of hope. Our My Girls’ Community of Survivors, Warriors, Fighters, Clinicians, Patients and Caregivers know how you feel…we have been through it all. In fact this is how Copeful™️ came to be; a compilation of what we have learned about coping and finding hope, including taking constructive action and getting help controlling anxiety during difficult times.

Download it Today!

The mobile app is available on the Apple Store and may be downloaded here @ Copeful 

Copeful has come along way and in the coming months, we will add functionality to enable you to send and receive prayers amongst family and friends. We greatly appreciate your donation to help us complete the app this year and support our community in their journey and in healing physically, mentally, emotionally and spritually.

If you would like to make a suggestion, please use our Contact Us form.

We are stronger together!

Be well,

The My Girls' Community


